Both congregations host a variety of educational opportunities throughout the year, including Sunday School, Intergenerational Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation Classes, and Adult Education.
St. Paul’s and St. John’s host a joint bi-weekly confirmation class during the school year. Confirmation is for youth 7 and 8 grade and meets the first and third Wednesday each month at 5:40-7:10 pm at St. John’s.
Vacation Bible School
St. John’s Lutheran Church hosts a 1-day Vacation Bible School each summer that is based on the bible and the gospel of the living Christ. Children attend from different religions throughout the community to learn about God’s love through Bible stories, song, games and fellowship.
Each year the kids do one or two different service projects to support the needs of the local community. Previously the kids have donated food, toiletries, and other needed items to the Bellevue Community Cupboard, tied blankets for the Maria House Theresa Shelter in Dubuque and made birthday cake kits for both organizations.
Save the Date VBS 2024 | Friday, June 21, 2024
St. John’s 2024 Vacation Bible School (VBS) theme is ‘Camp Firelite’ where they will hear stories around the theme ‘Trust God to Lead the Way’
VBS is free and open to kids from age 4 through 6th grade.
VBS contact: Laurie Hueneke Martens lhueneke@yahoo.com 202-441-4452

For more information on education classes, please contact the church directly.