Forward in Faith

St. John’s Lutheran Church in St. Donatus needs critical repairs to preserve its structural integrity. Church members have answered this call with a “Forward in Faith” campaign to raise the funds to make the necessary repairs to safeguard this important gathering place. Details on the repairs needed are below.

The anticipated total cost of this project is approximately $200,000. We’re grateful to begin this effort with support from an anonymous family who has generously pledged a gift of up to $50,000 as a matching gift of $1 for every $3 donated. We are asking for your help to raise the remaining funds needed to take advantage of this generous pledge and to preserve our beloved church for generations to come.

We hope you will answer this call to help St. John’s Lutheran Church continue to be that place to gather, worship, celebrate, and come together in continued faith.

1. Give electronically
Select the “Make a Donation’ button below.
2. Write a check
Mail checks to St. John’s Church at 32101 370th Street, Bellevue Iowa 52031. Please make checks out to ‘St. John’s Roof Account’.
3. Non-Cash Donations
> Give through other assets such as farm commodities, securities (stocks & bonds), vehicle, or tax deferred pension account. Contact Pastor Will Layton, or Deb Decker, Financial Secretary at to learn more and arrange donation details.

Thank you for your support in preserving St. John’s and its mission!

Meet the Faith Forward Campaign Committee

Committee Chair: Laurie Hueneke-Martens,
Pastor Will Layton,
Deb Decker
Judy Hueneke-Kremer
Tracey Hueneke
Lynn Sanders
Design/Media: Amanda Ruden & Lisa Hueneke

*Please reach out with questions or if you’d like to volunteer!

Building Repair Details

The photos below are a sample of documentation provided through the quoting process and highlight the needed structural repairs of the building.

  • Replace the current asphalt shingle roof with a long-lasting steel roof 
  • Tuck-point crumbling masonry between the bricks
  • Seal the drafty windows and door frames
  • Re-paint the flaking metal fascia