Support the work of St. John’s Church by making a gift offering today by check or electronically.

To support the church via check, please mail the check to St. John’s at 32101 370th Street, Bellevue Iowa 52031.
To contribute electronically, click the button below and select ‘Offering’.

To support the Forward in Faith Campaign, please mail a check to St. John’s at 32101 370th Street, Bellevue Iowa 52031. Please make checks out to ‘St. John’s Roof Account’.
To contribute electronically, click the button and select ‘Building Fund’. You may also choose to make a make pledge here.
Support the work of St. Paul’s Church

Offerings to St. Paul’s can be made by mailing a check to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 104, LaMotte, Iowa 52054
* Electronic giving to St. Paul’s is currently unavailable.